I’m so happy to be back in this space after being away for almost a year working on a few large writing projects.
Future stories will include the joy and grief of making sourdough bread to Southern pound cakes, gardening, indoor plants, what is a homestead, seed sowing, planting grapevines and "ole timey" wine making in addition to stories of farmers and artisans in our area to sharing what you need to know about buying farm land, homesteads and more....
And I hope to revisit some of the farms highlighted in the past and share an update.
Thank you for being an email subscriber and follow along on our FB page if you would like! And I'm working on another Instagram page. Technical issues and the lack of cooperation from IG trying to help me recover the old one has led me to create another one. Ugh! More updates to come on that.
If you have farmers you would like to nominate for a story—or other artisans or other subjects relating to agriculture and homestead living—please let me know.
Coming next Wednesday, January 22–The Joys and Grief of Making Sourdough Bread

And they said, Let us rise up and build. So they strengthened their hands for this good work.
Nehemiah 2:18

Email: tathelmillerwriter@gmail.com
Website: farmerrhodesgranddaughter.com
Website: tathelmiller.com